Montreux Convention

Montreux Convention

The Montreux Convention is an international treaty that regulates the transit of naval and civilian vessels through the Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles, crucial waterways connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, while balancing the security and strategic interests of Turkey and other Black Sea and non-Black Sea states.


The Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits, signed in 1936 in Montreux, Switzerland, by Turkey and several other nations, continues to stand as a paramount piece of international agreement, especially accentuating Turkey’s geostrategic importance. The convention essentially regulates the transit of naval ships and civilian vessels through the Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles, which serve as crucial connectors between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Through its provisions, the convention safeguards freedom of navigation for commercial vessels while placing specific restrictions and guidelines concerning the passage of naval vessels, especially from non-Black Sea states.

One of the pivotal aspects of the Montreux Convention pertains to its delineation of rights and limitations concerning the passage of military vessels through the straits. For Black Sea states, there is generally more leniency regarding military passage, while non-Black Sea states are subject to stricter limitations in terms of the number, tonnage, and duration of stay of their naval vessels. Notably, the convention allows Turkey to control the transit of military vessels during wartime and when it perceives a direct threat, offering a measure of security and strategic advantage.

An essential principle of the Montreux Convention is the unimpeded passage of civilian vessels during both peacetime and wartime, thereby facilitating continuous and free maritime trade through these critical waterways. This principle not only supports global commerce but also underscores Turkey’s commitment to international cooperation and economic integration. Nevertheless, Turkey retains the right to impose regulations to prevent accidents, address pollution concerns, and manage maritime traffic effectively.

In the geopolitical context, the Montreux Convention has sustained its relevance across decades, becoming a linchpin in Turkey’s foreign policy and a crucial framework for maintaining regional stability. The convention allows Turkey to exercise a degree of control over a major global chokepoint while also balancing the interests and security concerns of other regional actors, including Russia and other Black Sea states. As such, adherence to and management of the Montreux Convention support Turkey’s diplomatic and security strategies.

The Montreux Convention is also instrumental in balancing the naval powers of Black Sea states and non-Black Sea states, especially pertaining to the interests of NATO and its naval capabilities in the region. The convention restricts the passage and presence of large naval vessels from non-Black Sea states, thus limiting the ability of external powers to project significant naval power into the Black Sea. As such, it plays a critical role in regional security dynamics and has been subject to discussion and scrutiny amidst various geopolitical developments.

In recent times, discussions and debates regarding the Montreux Convention have re-emerged, especially in the context of evolving global and regional security scenarios. The stability of the region, changes in the global power structure, and increasing maritime trade have led to a renewed focus on the convention. Some argue for the need to revise or renegotiate its terms to better align with the contemporary geopolitical landscape, while others insist on its enduring relevance and adequacy in maintaining the delicate balance of power and interests in the region.

The main points of the Montreux Convention are as follows:

  1. Civilian Vessels: It grants freedom of passage to all civilian vessels in times of both peace and war.

  2. Military Vessels: The Convention contains specific provisions regarding the passage of military vessels, which can vary widely depending on whether the country in question is a Black Sea state or not.

  3. War Conditions: It permits Turkey to close the Straits to military vessels in wartime or when it was threatened by aggression; additionally, it restricts the passage of naval ships not belonging to Black Sea states.

  4. Limitations: There are size, tonnage, and duration limitations on the presence of military vessels from non-Black Sea states.

  5. Transit: Vessels are to proceed through the Straits day and night without any delay.

  6. Neutral Turkey: Even if Turkey is neutral, belligerent warships shall enjoy freedom of transit and navigation through the Straits.

  7. Security: Turkey can invoke the provisions of the convention to ensure its own security, acting to prevent any acts of hostility.

  8. Environmental Aspect: The countries bordering the Straits are supposed to adhere to certain rules to prevent pollution and ensure safe navigation.