Chicken Game

Chicken Game

The Chicken Game is a game theory model where two players head towards each other, and the first to swerve is the 'chicken,' but if neither swerves, both face a disastrous outcome.


The “chicken game” is a classic concept in game theory. It’s a model used to study conflict, cooperation, and decision-making in situations where the outcome for each player is not only determined by their own choices but also by the choices made by others.

The game gets its name from a dangerous teenage dare that was popularized in movies and cultural anecdotes. In this dare, two drivers speed directly toward each other on a collision course. The first to swerve away is deemed the “chicken,” implying cowardice, while the other driver is the winner, having proved their bravery. However, if neither driver swerves, they crash into each other, resulting in a dire outcome for both.

In a simplified version of the chicken game, each player has two options: to swerve or to continue driving straight. If one player swerves and the other continues straight, the player who swerves loses and the other wins. If both players swerve, neither wins nor loses – it’s a draw. But if both players drive straight, they crash, which is the worst possible outcome for both.

The chicken game is used to illustrate scenarios where two parties can either cooperate (by swerving) or compete (by driving straight). The risk of mutual non-cooperation (both driving straight) is a disaster. Yet, the temptation for each individual is to drive straight, hoping the other will swerve.

This game provides insights into many real-world situations where nations, organizations, or individuals face similar dilemmas. From political standoffs, nuclear deterrence, and trade wars to personal relationships, the chicken game captures the tension between risk, reward, and strategy in decision-making.